Dr. Keith Bowman
Dr. Keith Bowman
VP, Advanced Aerospace Systems Division
Dr. Keith Bowman joined the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) in 1985 after graduating from Wright State University in Dayton Ohio. His first assignment was in the Flight Dynamics Laboratory working research projects in structural dynamics, aeroelastic tailoring, design optimization, and laser hardening of aircraft structures. In 1990, Dr. Bowman moved to the Advanced Development Projects Office in the Flight Dynamics Laboratory where he led the transition efforts to the warfighter of high temperature composite materials. He moved to the Materials and Manufacturing Laboratory in 1992 and continued to work lightweight materials development and the development and transition of carbon-carbon composites, specifically to nosetip applications. In 2001, Dr. Bowman was selected as the Space Direction Leader for the Advanced Composites Branch in the Materials and Manufacturing Laboratory where he focused the Laboratory’s composite materials activities on the needs of the space community. This position led to him becoming the Chief of the Advanced Composites Branch, where he led the technical research of twenty-five government and over 20 contract S&Es. In 2008, Dr. Bowman was selected as AFRL’s Global Strike Lead, managing a $200M+ annual portfolio spanning six of AFRL’s nine Directorates. In 2010, he moved to AFRL HQ and became the Air Mobility Deputy Capability Lead for AFRL, working closely with Air Mobility Command on addressing their high priority science and technology needs. This led to him becoming the program manager for AFRL’s Precision AirDrop Flagship Capability Concept program, an Air Force Council approved effort that cut across the AF Materiel Command, Air Mobility Command, the Army’s Soldier System Center and the Air National Guard. In 2014, Dr. Bowman was assigned as the Deputy Chief (and then Chief) of the Capabilities Integration Division in the Plans and Programs Directorate (AFRL/XP) and was responsible for the customer engagement strategy employed by AFRL to connect the labs’ S&T planning to the needs of the warfighter. He moved back to a more technical role in 2016 when he assumed the responsibility as planner for AFRL’s High Speed Systems Division at Wright-Patterson AFB. In this position, he was responsible for the execution of the Aerospace Systems Directorate’s (AFRL/RQ) strategic plan for hypersonic boost glide and cruiser concepts. In 2019, Dr. Bowman was asked to be a technical consultant to the Army’s hypersonic glide body work, and supported OSD’s Conventional Prompt Strike, the AF’s Hypersonic Conventional Stand-off Weapon, and the Army’s Long Range Hypersonic Weapon programs. After retirement from the Air Force in 2019, Dr. Bowman served as a technical consultant for i3Corporation, Lockheed Martin HEAT, Innoveering LLC, and Textum. He joined Parallax in 2022 as a VP and manager for the Advanced Aerospace Systems Division. Dr Bowman has a BS and MS in systems engineering from Wright State University, an MS in materials engineering and a PhD in mechanical engineering from the University of Dayton, and is a licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Ohio.

Dr. Keith Bowman joined the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) in 1985 after graduating from Wright State University in Dayton Ohio. His first assignment was in the Flight Dynamics Laboratory working research projects in structural dynamics, aeroelastic tailoring, design optimization, and laser hardening of aircraft structures. In 1990, Dr. Bowman moved to the Advanced Development Projects Office in the Flight Dynamics Laboratory where he led the transition efforts to the warfighter of high temperature composite materials. He moved to the Materials and Manufacturing Laboratory in 1992 and continued to work lightweight materials development and the development and transition of carbon-carbon composites, specifically to nosetip applications. In 2001, Dr. Bowman was selected as the Space Direction Leader for the Advanced Composites Branch in the Materials and Manufacturing Laboratory where he focused the Laboratory’s composite materials activities on the needs of the space community. This position led to him becoming the Chief of the Advanced Composites Branch, where he led the technical research of twenty-five government and over 20 contract S&Es. In 2008, Dr. Bowman was selected as AFRL’s Global Strike Lead, managing a $200M+ annual portfolio spanning six of AFRL’s nine Directorates. In 2010, he moved to AFRL HQ and became the Air Mobility Deputy Capability Lead for AFRL, working closely with Air Mobility Command on addressing their high priority science and technology needs. This led to him becoming the program manager for AFRL’s Precision AirDrop Flagship Capability Concept program, an Air Force Council approved effort that cut across the AF Materiel Command, Air Mobility Command, the Army’s Soldier System Center and the Air National Guard. In 2014, Dr. Bowman was assigned as the Deputy Chief (and then Chief) of the Capabilities Integration Division in the Plans and Programs Directorate (AFRL/XP) and was responsible for the customer engagement strategy employed by AFRL to connect the labs’ S&T planning to the needs of the warfighter. He moved back to a more technical role in 2016 when he assumed the responsibility as planner for AFRL’s High Speed Systems Division at Wright-Patterson AFB. In this position, he was responsible for the execution of the Aerospace Systems Directorate’s (AFRL/RQ) strategic plan for hypersonic boost glide and cruiser concepts. In 2019, Dr. Bowman was asked to be a technical consultant to the Army’s hypersonic glide body work, and supported OSD’s Conventional Prompt Strike, the AF’s Hypersonic Conventional Stand-off Weapon, and the Army’s Long Range Hypersonic Weapon programs. After retirement from the Air Force in 2019, Dr. Bowman served as a technical consultant for i3Corporation, Lockheed Martin HEAT, Innoveering LLC, and Textum. He joined Parallax in 2022 as a VP and manager for the Advanced Aerospace Systems Division. Dr Bowman has a BS and MS in systems engineering from Wright State University, an MS in materials engineering and a PhD in mechanical engineering from the University of Dayton, and is a licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Ohio.