We are a leader in cutting edge research and development
Parallax conducts cutting-edge research on humans and machines and how they interact and perform in the realms of artificial intelligence reasoning, complex autonomous systems, and research intelligence. Our research programs enable humans, artificial intelligence, and autonomous or self-directed systems to work more effectively together by developing new ways for artificial intelligence to understand and respond to human goals, emotions, intent, and trust.
In addition, our programs improve how humans perform in highly demanding situations, how humans and machines come to agree and, then, perform when faced with multiple tasks spread over large geographies. We also develop novel approaches to managing large volumes of data to significantly increase intelligence in new global environments for our customers.
Parallax seeks to expand the horizons of these scientific sectors and integrate them to define, what we call, the Science of Intelligent Teaming™.

Unmanned Vehicles
Parallax’s unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) program delivers unmatched multi-UAV command and control (C2) test and evaluation capability across the globe. Our work in the evaluation of advanced control and display systems for semi-autonomous, remotely piloted aircraft is critical to the development of C2 systems that enable a single operator to control multiple UAVs.
Download our FAA UAS Framework flyer here:

Human Performance
The human mind is a rigorous analytical tool, but when paired with world-class technology and innovation, it becomes truly revolutionary. At Parallax, the human performance program merges innovative principles from cognitive systems engineering, human factors, and neuroscience with operational subject matter expertise to design and develop solutions for current issues and future challenges. These solutions improve the efficiency and effectiveness of human and machine systems in commercial, industrial, and defense environments.

Artificial Intelligence, Autonomy, and Analytics
At Parallax, our AI, autonomy, and analytics programs enable human, AI, and autonomous system teaming. Our research advances the state of the art in AI goal reasoning, trust, and understanding of emotional intent; novel capabilities for distributed control for large systems in complex environments; causal and multi-perspective modeling that focuses on computational social science; and novel data science approaches to deliver strategic research intelligence.