Parallax Advanced Research’s OFRN program initiative is open for applications
Dayton, Ohio – The OFRN, a program of Parallax Advanced Research, announced that its Round 5 SOARING initiative is open for applications. SOARING Round 5 areas of interest include vertical take-off & landing artificial intelligence, human machine teaming, data analytics, space commercialization, quantum communications, patient care in austere and contested environments and advanced power systems to name a few. The areas of interests aim to further enable and accelerate Ohio’s national leadership in both the defense and commercial sectors as well as promote economic development through growth of skilled jobs in Ohio. Applications must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Feb. 25, 2021.
The SOARING Round 5 initiative aims to expand Ohio’s research and development capabilities across the state’s academic institutions and businesses in support of Ohio-based federal partner needs. The OFRN research projects are intended to advance priority research areas of the Air Force Research Laboratory, National Air and Space Intelligence Center, Naval Medical Research Unit – Dayton and National Aeronautics and Space Administration Glenn Research Center. The OFRN also engages with the State of Ohio's Adjutant General and the Ohio Department of Transportation regarding their respective organizational mission needs.
The OFRN team will provide a partnering and matchmaking service to help applicants find a required partner for a proposal submission. This free service is available via the OFRN website at
“Our program’s federal partners have spent considerable time developing and refining the SOARING Round 5 areas of interest which focus on fewer, higher priority research needs and topics that have cross-discipline and cross-organizational interest and application. This enables maximum impact of the OFRN investment by the federal partners,” said Bob Tanner, OFRN executive director.
Funding for SOARING Round 5 is provided through the Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE). A key portion of these funds will further enable faculty at Ohio’s colleges and universities to continue to teach and students continue to learn as part of ODHE’s and OFRN’s continued investment in Ohio’s research and technology ecosystem.
The OFRN is a program administered by Parallax Advanced Research and first received funding from the Ohio General Assembly in the fiscal year 2016 – 2017, which was signed into law by the Governor of Ohio on July 1, 2015 as a strategic priority initiative identified by the Ohio Federal and Military Jobs Commission. The goal of the OFRN program is to enhance the Ohio industrial base while also increasing research funding, talent and capabilities developed in Ohio to support federal, state and industry aerospace requirements.
The OFRN program established a novel approach to strategic and technology based partnerships technology-basedwith a focus on aggregating, integrating and leveraging federal, academic and private sector capabilities and resources in Ohio. The OFRN seeks to develop innovative solutions to address emerging federal and state requirements and market opportunities.
“We are excited to be working with all of Ohio’s federal laboratories on their most critical mission needs for this Round 5 SOARING initiative. We also look forward to advancing the next generation of research and technologies and supporting their academic and industry innovators through the product-development process. Nothing is more exciting than working on the leading edge of innovation and aiming for innovative boundaries that have not yet been broken,” said Dennis Andersh, CEO of Parallax Advanced Research.
About Parallax Advanced Research
Parallax is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that tackles global challenges by accelerating innovation and by developing technology and solutions through strategic partnerships with government, industry and academia across Ohio and the Nation. This is accomplished through The Science of Intelligent Teaming™. Together with academia, Parallax accelerates innovation that leads to new breakthroughs. Together with government, Parallax tackles critical global challenges and delivers new solutions. Together with industry, Parallax develops groundbreaking ideas and speeds them to market.
About the Ohio Federal Research Network
The OFRN is a State of Ohio-focused research and development program that was established by Parallax Advanced Research, The Ohio State University and the ODHE in 2014. The OFRN's mission is to stimulate Ohio's innovation economy by funding research and development projects that meet federal laboratory requirements and build statewide university and industry collaborations.