Parallax Advanced Research Cognitive Modeler Dr. Chris Fisher Receives Award for Groundbreaking Research on ACT-R

Parallax Advanced Research’s Cognitive Modeler, Dr. Chris Fisher, with the Intelligent Systems Division, has been honored with a prestigious research award for his recent publication in the Journal of Mathematical Psychology. Fisher’s award-winning...

Parallax/OAI Spotlight: Ronald E. Stubblefield Esq., MS, CECM, Senior Program Manager, OAI Tech-Based Economic Development

Ronald Stubblefield has had a diverse career, transitioning from physics and engineering to law and economic development. His experience includes launching agencies, supporting small businesses, and leading incubator programs. Now, as Senior Program...

Ohio Aerospace Institute Helps Ohio and International Aerospace Companies Find New Market Opportunities Through Global Engagement

International engagement is an important effort for expanding market opportunities and enhancing competitive advantage in the aviation, space, and defense sectors. The Ohio Aerospace Institute’s Global Industrial Engagement capability, wholly...