Empowering Economic Growth through Technology and Innovation 

In a rapidly evolving, technology-driven global society, a region's strategy for technology-based economic development is pivotal in ensuring its economic competitiveness and fostering sustainable benefits for stakeholders across industry, academia, government, and the non-profit sector. 

Through its affiliation with the Ohio Aerospace Institute, Parallax offers a dedicated TBED team that collaborates with stakeholders to create and implement strategies and programs that support the development of technology assets within an innovation-driven economy. Our initiatives are designed to catalyze growth and excellence in economic bases across the nation. ​​​​​​​

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Key Initiatives 

Our TBED initiatives encompass a wide range of strategies and programs, including: 

Leveraging Research Capacity

Initiatives focused on disseminating knowledge and harnessing the research, talent, and specialized facilities across industry, academia, and government labs to strengthen research capacity. Examples include technology transfer and research partnerships. 

Commercializing Research

Implementation and strategies to translate research and associated intellectual property developed at federal labs, academic institutions, and other research-based entities into high-growth products and businesses. 

Promoting Entrepreneurship and Emerging Aerospace Sectors 

Advancing entrepreneurship through educational programs, capacity building support, and ecosystem development, particularly in the aerospace sector. 

STEM Education and Workforce Development

Programs designed to increase STEM awareness, train STEM talent, and re-skill or upskill the workforce to pursue STEM-based career opportunities

Advancing supply Chains

Supporting overall U.S. economic and global competitiveness in the aerospace and defense sectors by strengthening and diversifying supply chains for larger OEMs and ODMs and helping entrepreneurs pursue business opportunities within the supply chain. 

Capital Access

Supporting early-stage companies in identifying and pursuing traditional and non-traditional sources of debt and equity and granting capital to fuel their growth and innovation. 

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Focus Areas and Programs for TBED ​​​​​​​

Small Business Assistance 

TBED Programs 

Center for Advanced Air Mobility Initiative (CAAM-I)

The Center for Advanced Air Mobility Initiative (CAAM-I) is a program designed by Manufacturing Works and the Ohio Aerospace Institute to accelerate Northeast Ohio manufacturers' access to and engagement with unmanned vehicle production and electric vehicle transformation. Funded by the United States Economic Development Administration, our efforts are geared towards workforce development, technology transfer, and supply chain collaboration. 

Ohio’s Defense Manufacturing Community 

Ohio’s Defense Manufacturing Community has identified the need to support the implementation of advanced manufacturing technology to build a stronger supply chain for defense manufacturers across Ohio. Small and medium defense manufacturers need to automate and take advantage of technologies to support a more productive and safer environment for workers This project provides capital to small and medium defense manufacturers to engage, assess, plan for, and then implement a specific Industry 4.0 or Advanced Technology in order to increase production, increase sales, and/or innovate and develop new technologies. 

Great Lakes Biomimicry 

Great Lakes Biomimicry Cuyahoga County Project is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Ohio Aerospace Institute focused on helping businesses implement sustainability strategies to position themselves favorably in the supply chain. This can be done by looking at natural systems as a guide to providing innovation based on 3.8 billion years of R&D. Biomimetic solutions provide a way to reimagine materials, processes, and industrial systems, resulting in lower costs. Through professional education, workshops, and working with the pipeline of future employees, biomimicry can further strengthen not only the aerospace supply chain but other industries as well.


Biocene is a conference where ideas and research on innovation inspired by nature (biomimicry) are shared, connections are made, and opportunities for collaboration are fostered. It creates conditions for biomimicry thought leadership to ignite further advancement of the field. Miocene 2023’s theme is Biomimicry: Transforming Materials—looking at how materials have been inspired by nature and looking to the future of what can still be discovered. 

Parallax's Technology-Based Economic Development team is committed to fostering innovation, economic growth, and sustainable development across diverse sectors. Our collaborative approach, strategic initiatives, and targeted programs aim to create a thriving ecosystem that accelerates economic competitiveness and benefits stakeholders in industry, academia, government, and the non-profit sector. Join us in shaping the future of technology-based economic development.