The Sky is the Limit

Iconic Air, a startup up out of WVU’s Vantage Ventures, was founded in 2018, well before Vertx Partners. Frisbee introduced the environmental software company—which helps track, analyze and reduce an organization’s emissions footprint—to Ohio’s...

Posted on Nov 30, 2022

DBJ names 2022 Business of the Year winners

The Dayton Business Journal has unveiled the 2022 Business of the Year winners. They were named Thursday evening at the Business of the Year awards banquet held at the Schuster Center in downtown Dayton.

Honorees are selected by a combination of...

Posted on Nov 11, 2022

Dayton-area nonprofit secures new D.C. office

A local nonprofit organization dedicated to applied scientific research and development has announced that the organization will be expanding to a new, out of state location. The new location will help the organization meet its growing needs and give...

Posted on Oct 19, 2022

Ideas to move Dayton forward, from DBJ's Forty Under 40 winners

The Greater Dayton region, especially many urban downtown cores, have come a long way from their earlier iterations.

From narrowing the education gaps, to filling food deserts with healthy options and making success in business possible for more...

Posted on Oct 19, 2022

Rebuild - Toolkit for a New American Industrial Policy

In addition to federal incentive programs, state and local governments are active in providing incentives, usually through tax credits. These incentive programs are motivated by different objectives than those at the federal level; state and local...

Posted on Sep 22, 2022

Next-gen spacecraft: In-development solid oxide fuel cells offer bipropellant enabled electrical power supply

Deployed spacecraft are expected to remain in operation for years without in-person servicing. The GPS satellite USA-132, for instance, is still operating after it was launched in 1997.

However, mass and volume limitations make it challenging—and...

Posted on Sep 21, 2022

Innovative Hybrid Fuel Cell Developed for Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles

Kent State University’s College of Aeronautics and Engineering (CAE) developed an innovative hybrid fuel cell capacitor that prolongs the flight time of unmanned aircraft vehicles (UAVs), the first hybrid fuel cell battery capacitor specifically...

Posted on Sep 13, 2022

Why defense contractors are moving to downtown Dayton: ‘Dream big and do it here in Dayton’

Beavercreek and Fairborn are no longer the sole local hot spots for defense and government services contractors.

In three years, downtown Dayton has proven to be an increasingly strong magnet for such companies, especially companies led by younger...

Posted on Sep 13, 2022

Best Places to Work: Parallax Advanced Research

Parallax Advanced Research is a nonprofit organization that performs applied scientific research and development. It aims to tackle global challenges by accelerating innovation, and developing technology and solutions through strategic partnerships...

Posted on Sep 6, 2022

Ohio is already planning how flying cars and drones can deliver health care faster and better

Jobs Ohio is creating corridors where the vehicles can transport blood, organs and different supplies between hospitals

It’s not about having cool technology, says Elaine Bryant, with both the Dayton Development Coalition and JobsOhio, when she...

Posted on Sep 1, 2022